.. _custom: .. py:currentmodule:: pierogis.ingredients custom ~~~~~~ *parse text for a recipe* .. code-block:: console $ pierogis custom ./input.jpg "sort -u 100; quantize" $ # or $ pierogis custom ./input.jpg recipe.txt ``recipe.txt`` .. code-block:: text sort -u 100; quantize .. figure:: https://media.githubusercontent.com/media/pierogis/pierogis/develop/demo/out/gnome_sort_quantize.png :alt: sorted and quantized gnome :align: center *very chill.* .txt files and quoted strings can describe a series of fillings, piped from one to the next. ========== =========================================== ========== ===== arg description default valid ========== =========================================== ========== ===== ``recipe`` path to json or txt file to use as a recipe recipe.txt `str` ========== =========================================== ========== ===== See: :py:class:`~pierogis.kitchen.menu.custom_filling.CustomFilling`