Source code for pierogis.ingredients.quantize

import numpy as np
from PIL import ImageColor

from .ingredient import Ingredient

[docs]class Quantize(Ingredient): """ quantize reduces the color palette of the input pixels to a smaller set. """
[docs] def prep(self, colors=None, **kwargs): """ parameters for spatial color quantization :param colors: colors to use. can be a list of str or pixel array likes """ if colors is None: colors = np.asarray([[]]) elif type(colors) is list: rgb_colors = [] for color in colors: if type(color) is str: if color[0] != '#': color = '#' + color rgb_colors.append(ImageColor.getcolor(color, "RGB")) colors = np.asarray(rgb_colors) else: colors = np.array(colors) self.palette = colors.astype(np.dtype('uint8')) """palette to use"""
[docs] def cook(self, pixels: np.ndarray): """ get the closest rgb color in the palette to each pixel rgb "snap" to the colors in the palette """ # pixels -> (width, height, 1, 3) # palette -> (1, 1, n, 3) # subtract -> (width, height, n, 3) # the difference between pixel r, g, b (3) and color # for each pixel (width, height), # for each color in the palette (n, 3) differences = ( np.expand_dims(pixels, axis=2) - np.expand_dims(self.palette, axis=(0, 1)) ) # sum up the last axis (r + g + b) # and sqrt that sum # -> (width, height, n) distances = np.sqrt(np.sum(differences ** 2, axis=3)) # get the minimum among the n color # smallest value in each n group last dimension (smallest sqrt sum) # -> (width, height, 1) nearest_palette_index = np.argmin(distances, axis=2) # replace the min index identified with the corresponding color # -> (width, height, 3) return self.palette[nearest_palette_index]
[docs]class SpatialQuantize(Quantize): """ use the Spatial Color Quantization algorithm implemented in rust with rscolorq also performs dithering to make the palette appear richer. """ PALETTE_SIZE = 8 ITERATIONS = 3 REPEATS = 1 INITIAL_TEMP = 1 FINAL_TEMP = .001 FILTER_SIZE = 3 DITHERING_LEVEL = .8 palette_size: int """number of colors""" iterations: int """number of iterations to do at each coarseness level""" repeats: int """number of repeats to do of each annealing temp""" initial_temp: float """starting annealing temp (around 1)""" final_temp: float """final annealing temp (decimal near but above 0)""" filter_size: int """filter size for dithering""" dithering_level: float """relative amount of dithering (.5-1.5)""" seed: int """seed for rng"""
[docs] def prep( self, palette_size=PALETTE_SIZE, iterations=ITERATIONS, repeats=REPEATS, initial_temp=INITIAL_TEMP, final_temp=FINAL_TEMP, dithering_level=DITHERING_LEVEL, seed=0, **kwargs ): """ """ super().prep(**kwargs) self.palette_size = palette_size """number of colors""" self.iterations = iterations """number of iterations to do at each coarseness level""" self.repeats = repeats """number of repeats to do of each annealing temp""" self.initial_temp = initial_temp """starting annealing temp (around 1)""" self.final_temp = final_temp """final annealing temp (decimal near but above 0)""" self.filter_size = self.FILTER_SIZE self.dithering_level = dithering_level """relative amount of dithering (.5-1.5)""" self.seed = seed """seed for rng"""
[docs] def cook(self, pixels: np.ndarray): """ use the binding to the rscolorq package in rust to perform an optimization in quantizing and dithering """ from ..algorithms import quantize # rotating and unrotating because different orientation is expected cooked_pixels = np.rot90(quantize( np.ascontiguousarray(np.rot90(pixels), dtype=np.dtype('uint8')), self.palette, palette_size=self.palette_size, iters_per_level=self.iterations, repeats_per_temp=self.repeats, initial_temp=self.initial_temp, final_temp=self.final_temp, filter_size=self.filter_size, dithering_level=self.dithering_level, seed=self.seed ), axes=(1, 0)) return cooked_pixels