Source code for pierogis.ingredients.seasonings.threshold

threshold ingredient(s)
import numpy as np

from .seasoning import Seasoning

[docs]class Threshold(Seasoning): """ a seasoning that compares the brightness value of each pixel in the :param target pixel array and sets corresponding colors based on if it is "included" or not brightness = r * 0.299 + g * 0.587 + b * 0.114 """ LOWER_THRESHOLD = 60 UPPER_THRESHOLD = 190 lower_threshold: int upper_threshold: int inner: bool """if True, pixels between lower and upper are included"""
[docs] def prep( self, lower_threshold: int = None, upper_threshold: int = None, inner: bool = False, **kwargs ): """ set the threshold intensity levels calls Seasoning.prep with leftover kwargs pixels lower than lower_threshold or higher that upper_threshold are true (include_pixel) pixels with brightness >= upper_threshold or <= lower_threshold are replaced by include pixel (white) """ # set include/exclude_pixel and target, if provided super().prep(**kwargs) if lower_threshold is None and upper_threshold is None: lower_threshold = self.LOWER_THRESHOLD upper_threshold = self.UPPER_THRESHOLD elif lower_threshold is None: lower_threshold = 0 elif upper_threshold is None: upper_threshold = 255 self.lower_threshold = lower_threshold self.upper_threshold = upper_threshold self.inner = inner
[docs] def cook(self, pixels: np.ndarray): """ parallel computation in rust is 10x speedup """ input_pixels = pixels.copy() try: cooked_pixels = self.cook_rs(input_pixels) except: cooked_pixels = self.cook_np(input_pixels) return cooked_pixels
[docs] def cook_np(self, pixels: np.ndarray): # perform the same operation as Threshold.cook, but only in numpy include_pixels = np.resize(self.include_pixel, pixels.shape) exclude_pixels = np.resize(self.exclude_pixel, pixels.shape) # use exclude_pixels as the base cooked_pixels = exclude_pixels # get intensities from average of rgb intensities_array = np.sum( pixels * np.asarray([0.299, 0.587, 0.114]), axis=2 ) if self.inner: # if intensity >= lower and <= upper, include boolean_array = np.logical_and( intensities_array <= self.upper_threshold, intensities_array >= self.lower_threshold ) else: # if intensity <= lower or >= upper, include boolean_array = np.logical_or( intensities_array >= self.upper_threshold, intensities_array <= self.lower_threshold ) # set True values in boolean_array to include_pixel cooked_pixels[boolean_array] = include_pixels[boolean_array] return cooked_pixels
[docs] def cook_rs(self, pixels: np.ndarray): from ...algorithms import threshold include_pixel = self.include_pixel.astype(np.dtype('uint8')) exclude_pixel = self.exclude_pixel.astype(np.dtype('uint8')) # cook using the rust function cooked_pixels = threshold( pixels.astype(np.dtype('uint8')), self.lower_threshold, self.upper_threshold, include_pixel, exclude_pixel, self.inner ) return cooked_pixels