Source code for pierogis.ingredients.sort

import numpy as np

from .crop import Crop
from .ingredient import Ingredient
from .rotate import Rotate

[docs]class Sort(Ingredient): """ sort a pixel array uses its mask to determine which groups of pixels to sort (white pixels get sorted) can use a seasoning to create that mask when cooking, or have it preloaded using a season method """ delimiter: np.ndarray """pixel used as the sort subgroup delimiter""" rotate: Rotate """define the direction to rotate on"""
[docs] def prep( self, rotate: Rotate = None, delimiter: np.ndarray = np.asarray([255, 255, 255]), **kwargs ): """ extra kwargs get passed to the Rotate if one is not provided """ self.delimiter = delimiter if rotate is None: rotate = Rotate(turns=0) self.rotate = rotate
[docs] def cook(self, pixels: np.ndarray): """ cook sorts from bottom to top after rotation, then unrotates. sort within each sequence group of contiguous white pixels in the mask (may be all white) """ # rotate self.mask and pixels to correspond to self.angle rotate = self.rotate mask = self.mask_pixels(pixels) rotated_mask = rotate.cook(mask) rotated_pixels = rotate.cook(pixels) # false indicates that the pixel should not be sorted boolean_array = np.all(rotated_mask == self._white_pixel, axis=2) sorted_pixels = rotated_pixels # loop through one axis for i in range(rotated_pixels.shape[0]): # get that axis axis = rotated_pixels[i] # and the axis for the mask-truth boolean_axis = boolean_array[i] # get the indices for this row on the mask that are false masked_indices_axis = np.nonzero(np.invert(boolean_axis))[0] # split up the axis into sub groups at indices where mask is black (false) sort_groups = np.split(axis, masked_indices_axis) sorted_groups = [] # loop through the groups for group in sort_groups: # np.sort(group) # if the subgroup to be sorted contains 0 or 1 pixels, ignore if group.size > 3: # intensity as the sorting criterion intensities = np.sum( group * np.asarray([0.299, 0.587, 0.114]), axis=1 ) # get "sort order" indices of the intensities of this group indices = np.argsort(intensities) # sort the group by these indices group = group[indices] sorted_groups.append(group) # concatenate the row back together, sorted in the mask sorted_pixels[i] = np.concatenate(sorted_groups) # unrotate sorted_pixels to return to correct orientation unrotate = Rotate.unrotate(rotate) sorted_pixels = unrotate.cook(sorted_pixels) width, height = pixels.shape[:2] crop = Crop(origin='c', width=width, height=height) sorted_pixels = crop.cook(sorted_pixels) return sorted_pixels